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Equipped with the Peak Pilates, Cadillac Convertible which is a Reformer and Cadillac in one, Pilates done in style and comfort.  Also equipped with a Life Cycle Bike, BOSU, Medicine Balls,  Dyna Discs, JC Bands, TRX suspension Trainer, Ultra Slide and much more.  It's 500 square feet of private training with a garden view of organcially grown vegetation, both hydroponically and in ground, done by my husband in his spare time  :o)



My style of training isn't complicated. Your body is your temple, and I teach you how to embrace what you have, using, proper form and technique. I focus on creating balance throughout your body using the Pilates method, both mat & equipment.  I encorporate free weights, bands and much more, to get your body to function at it's peak.

Maintaining caring service for all walks of life, extremely fit, to well into your later years has always been a top priority. I've had extreme cases of clients that have had cancer, and  even a heart transplant client, Debra Kuhnly, who now lives in Ormond Beach, Florda.  The fact that I can help people turn their lives around, and teach them how to grow, and become balanced  is extremely rewarding, not just for me but for the client as well.  I always use a side of caution and I tell all my clients, "If it hurts, don't do it"...There are varying lelvels of pain that we must endure in this life, but sharp, extreme, and  jarring, physical  pain, should NOT be on the list!


I became involved with fitness after having met my own weight loss goals.  I've been in the industry since 1989, 30 years! 

I'm ceritified with American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) & American Council on Exercise (ACE), both leaders in the fitness industry, keeping fitness professionals like me on the cutting edge. 

BALANCE is the key to a healthy life.  Spiritual health,  faith in God, healthy relationships, attitudes, healthy eating, love over hate, joy over anger, smiles over frowns, are all components that effect a healthy mind and body.  Where do you stand?



This is a beautiful 500 square foot studio, designed for all your needs. 








Boca Raton, FL 33433


 LISA T FITNESS Proudly created with

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